Through our homeownership program, we sell homes to hardworking families at an affordable price. Families are considered for selection for a Habitat home based on a clear need.
Family Selection Criteria
Need: Families are considered for selection based on a clear need. That could be due to a number of reasons such as:
Current housing is structurally unstable.
Living in subsidized housing.
Problems with heating, water, electricity or plumbing.
An insufficient number of bedrooms for the number, age and/or gender of residents.
Inaccessibility because of medical or physical challenges of a family member.
More than 30 percent of the family’s gross household income goes toward rent and utilities.
Additional factors could include safety concerns about the neighborhood or environment and/or the housing being temporary or transitional.
Willingness to Partner: By partnering with us, homeowners agree to contribute at least 200 hours (75 hours for remodeled units) of "sweat equity,” building their home with the help of Flatirons Habitat volunteers. Accommodations can be made for individuals with disabilities. Homeowners also attend budgeting and other ownership-related classes, and must be willing to speak publicly about their experience and attend events.
Ability to pay: To be considered for a Flatirons Habitat home you must be able to prove steady employment of more than two years, and demonstrate your ability to pay a monthly mortgage payment (including insurance, taxes, and HOA fees), which will be less than 43 percent of your income when combined with any other debt.
Habitat homeowners must meet income guidelines based on family size, location and the potential cost of the home. Income guidelines will vary from project to project.
Application Process
Applications are NOT accepted on a rolling basis.
Please complete the homebuyer interest form (link here) to be added to the homebuyer interest database. When we are accepting applications, you will receive an email with details about the project and next steps for submitting an application.
When applications are being accepted, applicants must:
1. Watch the Homeownership Orientation video.
2. Confirm that applicant meets the income threshold and household size requirements for the project.
3. Submit the application and supplemental material required within the time frame identified (usually 30 days). Note: Applications will only be sent to applicants who have completed the first two steps above.
4. Complete an interview with the housing selection committee.
Homeownership Orientation
If you are interested in applying for homeownership through Habitat, you must watch our orientation video linked here.

NOTE: Flatirons Habitat for Humanity does not discriminate against any applicant because of age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, familial status or national origin. Flatirons Habitat for Humanity is an equal housing opportunity lender. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin.