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Community Resources

Boulder County Housing Authority

Asisstance with affordable rentals, subsidized housing and home weatherization and repair. 

Phone: 720-564-2279


Boulder Housing Partners

The housing authority for the city of Boulder, BHP builds, owns and manages affordable housing for low- and moderate-income residents 

Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Phone: 720-564-4610

Address: 4800 N. Broadway, Boulder; at the northeast corner of Broadway and Lee Hill Road

Boulder Shelter for the Homeless

Phone: 303-442-4646
Address: 4869 N. Broadway, Boulder, directly on the SKIP bus route. The shelter is on the northwest corner of Broadway and Lee Hill Road. 

City of Boulder Homeownership Programs

Phone: 303-441-3157, option 2
Address: 1300 Canyon Blvd., Boulder

Walk-in Hours:  8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
Appointments:  8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Emergency Family Assistance Association

Phone: 303-442-3042
Address: 1575 Yarmouth, Boulder

Broomfield FISH

Provides Broomfeild residents with food and rent and utility assistance.  

Phone: 303-465-1600
Address: 26 Garden Center, Suite 1, Broomfield

Sister Carmen Community Center

East Boulder County’s only comprehensive source of individual and family assistance. Services include food, economic support and family services. 


Phone: 303-665-4342 

Address: 665 Aspen Ridge Drive, Lafayette 

Thistle Communities

Provides both rental and ownershp options in Boulder for low-income individuals. 

Phone: 303-443-0007
Address: 1845 Folsom Street, Boulder

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